void | changed () |
| Signals emitted when data in Arn Data Object is changed. More...
void | changed (int value) |
void | changed (double value) |
void | changed (bool value) |
void | changed (const QString &value) |
void | changed (const QByteArray &value) |
void | changed (const QVariant &value) |
void | modeChanged (Arn::ObjectMode mode) |
| Signal emitted when mode in Arn Data Object is changed. More...
void | arnItemCreated (const QString &path) |
| Signal emitted when an Arn Data Object is created in the tree below. More...
void | arnModeChanged (const QString &path, uint linkId, Arn::ObjectMode mode) |
| Signal emitted when an Arn Data Object in the tree below has a general mode change. More...
void | arnLinkDestroyed () |
| Signal emitted when the Arn Data Object is destroyed. More...
| ArnItem (QObject *parent=arnNullptr) |
| Standard constructor of a closed handle. More...
| ArnItem (const QString &path, QObject *parent=arnNullptr) |
| Construction of a handle to a path. More...
| ArnItem (const ArnItem &itemTemplate, const QString &path, QObject *parent=arnNullptr) |
| Construction of a handle to a path with a template for modes More...
virtual | ~ArnItem () |
bool | openUuid (const QString &path) |
| Open a handle to an Arn Object with a unique uuid name. More...
bool | openUuidPipe (const QString &path) |
| Open a handle to an Arn Pipe Object with a unique uuid name. More...
bool | openFolder (const QString &path) |
| Open a handle to an Arn folder. More...
bool | isFolder () const |
bool | isProvider () const |
Arn::DataType | type () const |
| The type stored in the Arn Data Object More...
void | setIgnoreSameValue (bool isIgnore=true) |
| Set skipping assignment of equal value. More...
bool | isIgnoreSameValue () |
void | addMode (Arn::ObjectMode mode) |
| Add general mode settings for this Arn Data Object More...
Arn::ObjectMode | getMode () const |
Arn::ObjectSyncMode | syncMode () const |
ArnItem & | setTemplate (bool isTemplate=true) |
| Mark this ArnItem as a template. More...
bool | isTemplate () const |
ArnItem & | setBiDirMode () |
| Set general mode as Bidirectional for this Arn Data Object More...
bool | isBiDirMode () const |
ArnItem & | setPipeMode () |
| Set general mode as Pipe for this Arn Data Object More...
bool | isPipeMode () const |
ArnItem & | setSaveMode () |
| Set general mode as Save for this Arn Data Object More...
bool | isSaveMode () const |
ArnItem & | setMaster () |
| Set client session sync mode as Master for this ArnItem. More...
bool | isMaster () const |
ArnItem & | setAutoDestroy () |
| Set client session sync mode as AutoDestroy for this ArnItem. More...
bool | isAutoDestroy () const |
void | setUncrossed (bool isUncrossed=true) |
| Set a Bidirectional item as Uncrossed. More...
bool | isUncrossed () const |
| Get the Uncrossed state of an object. More...
void | setBlockEcho (bool blockEcho=true) |
| Control echo cancellation for this item. More...
void | setDelay (int delay) |
| Set delay of data changed signal. More...
int | delay () const |
| Get delay of data changed signal. More...
bool | isDelayPending () const |
void | bypassDelayPending () |
void | arnImport (const QByteArray &data, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Import data to an Arn Data Object More...
QByteArray | arnExport () const |
int | toInt (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
double | toDouble (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
ARNREAL | toReal (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
bool | toBool (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
QString | toString (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
QByteArray | toByteArray (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
QVariant | toVariant (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
uint | toUInt (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
qint64 | toInt64 (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
quint64 | toUInt64 (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
ArnItem & | operator= (const ArnItem &other) |
ArnItem & | operator= (int val) |
ArnItem & | operator= (ARNREAL other) |
ArnItem & | operator= (const QString &val) |
ArnItem & | operator= (const QByteArray &val) |
ArnItem & | operator= (const QVariant &val) |
ArnItem & | operator= (const char *val) |
ArnItem & | operator= (uint val) |
ArnItem & | operator= (qint64 val) |
ArnItem & | operator= (quint64 val) |
ArnItem & | operator+= (int val) |
ArnItem & | operator+= (ARNREAL val) |
void | setValue (const ArnItem &other, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign the value of an other ArnItem to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (uint value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign an unsigned int to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (qint64 value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign an int 64 bit to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (quint64 value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign an unsigned int 64 bit to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (int value, int ignoreSame) |
| Assign an integer to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (double value, int ignoreSame) |
| Assign an ARNREAL to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (bool value, int ignoreSame) |
| Assign a bool to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (const QString &value, int ignoreSame) |
| Assign a QString to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (const QByteArray &value, int ignoreSame) |
| Assign a QByteArray to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (const QVariant &value, int ignoreSame) |
| Assign a QVariant to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (const char *value, int ignoreSame) |
| Assign a char* to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setBits (int mask, int value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| AtomicOp assign an integer to specified bits in an Arn Data Object More...
void | addValue (int value) |
| AtomicOp adds an integer to an Arn Data Object More...
void | addValue (ARNREAL value) |
| AtomicOp adds an ARNREAL to an Arn Data Object More...
| ArnItemB (QObject *parent=arnNullptr) |
| Standard constructor of a closed handle. More...
virtual | ~ArnItemB () |
bool | open (const QString &path) |
| Open a handle to an Arn Data Object More...
| ArnBasicItem () |
| Standard constructor of a closed handle. More...
virtual | ~ArnBasicItem () |
bool | open (const QString &path) |
| Open a handle to an Arn Data Object More...
void | close () |
| Close the handle. More...
void | destroyLink (bool isGlobal=true) |
| Destroy the Arn Data Object More...
void | destroyLinkLocal () |
| Destroy the local Arn Data Object More...
bool | isOpen () const |
| State of the handle. More...
QString | path (Arn::NameF nameF=Arn::NameF::EmptyOk) const |
| Path of the Arn Data Object More...
QString | name (Arn::NameF nameF) const |
| Name of the Arn Data Object More...
void | setReference (void *reference) |
| Set an associated external reference. More...
void * | reference () const |
| Get the stored external reference. More...
uint | itemId () const |
| Get the id for this ArnItem. More...
uint | linkId () const |
| Get the id for this Arn Data Object More...
int | refCount () const |
| Get the number of refs to this Arn Data Object More...
bool | isFolder () const |
bool | isProvider () const |
Arn::DataType | type () const |
| The type stored in the Arn Data Object More...
void | setIgnoreSameValue (bool isIgnore=true) |
| Set skipping of equal value. More...
bool | isIgnoreSameValue () const |
void | addMode (Arn::ObjectMode mode) |
| Add general mode settings for this Arn Data Object More...
Arn::ObjectMode | getMode () const |
| Use with care, link must be "referenced" before use, otherwise it might have been deleted. More...
Arn::ObjectSyncMode | syncMode () const |
ArnBasicItem & | setBiDirMode () |
| Set general mode as Bidirectional for this Arn Data Object More...
bool | isBiDirMode () const |
ArnBasicItem & | setPipeMode () |
| Set general mode as Pipe for this Arn Data Object More...
bool | isPipeMode () const |
ArnBasicItem & | setSaveMode () |
| Set general mode as Save for this Arn Data Object More...
bool | isSaveMode () const |
void | setAtomicOpProvider () |
| Set this Arn Data Object as Atomic Operator Provider More...
bool | isAtomicOpProvider () const |
ArnBasicItem & | setMaster () |
| Set client session sync mode as Master for this ArnItem. More...
bool | isMaster () const |
ArnBasicItem & | setAutoDestroy () |
| Set client session sync mode as AutoDestroy for this ArnItem. More...
bool | isAutoDestroy () const |
void | arnImport (const QByteArray &data, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Import data to an Arn Data Object More...
QByteArray | arnExport () const |
int | toInt (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
double | toDouble (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
ARNREAL | toReal (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
QString | toString (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
QByteArray | toByteArray (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
QVariant | toVariant (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
bool | toBool (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
uint | toUInt (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
qint64 | toInt64 (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
quint64 | toUInt64 (bool *isOk=arnNullptr) const |
ArnBasicItem & | operator= (const ArnBasicItem &other) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator= (int val) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator= (ARNREAL val) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator= (const QString &val) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator= (const QByteArray &val) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator= (const QVariant &val) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator= (const char *val) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator= (uint val) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator= (qint64 val) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator= (quint64 val) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator+= (int val) |
ArnBasicItem & | operator+= (ARNREAL val) |
void | setValue (const ArnBasicItem &other, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
void | setValue (int value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign an integer to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (ARNREAL value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign an ARNREAL to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (bool value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign a bool to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (const QString &value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign a QString to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (const QByteArray &value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign a QByteArray to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (const QVariant &value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign a QVariant to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (const char *value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign a char* to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (uint value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign an unsigned int to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (qint64 value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign an int 64 bit to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setValue (quint64 value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| Assign an unsigned int 64 bit to an Arn Data Object More...
void | setBits (int mask, int value, int ignoreSame=Arn::SameValue::DefaultAction) |
| AtomicOp assign an integer to specified bits in an Arn Data Object More...
void | addValue (int value) |
| AtomicOp adds an integer to an Arn Data Object More...
void | addValue (ARNREAL value) |
| AtomicOp adds an ARNREAL to an Arn Data Object More...
QThread * | thread () const |
| Get the thread affinity of this ArnBasicItem. More...
void | setEventHandler (QObject *eventHandler) |
| Set event handler for this ArnBasicItem. More...
QObject * | eventHandler () const |
| Get the event handler of this ArnBasicItem. More...
void | setUncrossed (bool isUncrossed=true) |
| Set a Bidirectional item as Uncrossed. More...
bool | isUncrossed () const |
| Get the Uncrossed state of an object. More...
bool | isAssigning () const |
| Tells if this ArnItem is assigned right now. More...
| ArnCoreItem () |
| Standard constructor of a closed handle. More...
virtual | ~ArnCoreItem () |
QThread * | thread () const |
| Get the thread affinity of this ArnCoreItem. More...
This class is the Qml version of ArnItem.
- See also
- ArnQml
Example usage
import QtQuick 2.0
import ArnLib 1.0
Rectangle {
width: 370; height: 400
ArnItem {id: arnElUpdClock;
Rectangle {
id: info
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; anchors.left: parent.left; anchors.right: parent.right
height: 80
Column {
anchors.fill: parent;
Text {text: "El updClock 1: " + arnElUpdClock.intNum}
Text {text: "El updClock 2: " + arnT1.intNum}
Component.onCompleted: {
"Start ...",
Definition at line 286 of file ArnQml.hpp.